
2011年11月9日 星期三

關於DVD SINGLE-Strong Heart的FC&Musing訂購方式通知

今天FC官方寄送了關於11/23將要發行的DVD SINGLE的訂購通知及信用卡收費方式通知。

您好,這裡是倉木麻衣的官方後援會 Mai-K.net。
關於11/23發行的倉木麻衣DVD SINGLE『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~』相關告知
關於原本預定於11月23日發行的第38張單曲『Strong Heart』、目前將改為以DVD SINGLE『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~』的形式推出。
這回以DVD形式推出的「Strong Heart」一曲的內容、是出自於10月22日於日本武道館所舉辦的冬日本大地震復興支援慈善演唱會"Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~”中的LIVE畫面。由於這次倉木麻衣是抱持著自己最大的信念來進行這場慈善演唱會的、所以這場包含了倉木麻衣的真摯熱誠和觀眾一起創造出來、充滿熱情的演唱會畫面、是可以更能夠傳達出最新作品「Strong Heart」所包含的世界觀的、故雖然有點倉促、但這回已經決定將採取以映像為主的形式來推出這張作品。
※ 本作品一部分的銷售所得將捐獻給東日本大地震復興支援所用。

『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~』FC&Musing盤
価格:\1,500(tax in) + 送料
仕様:DVD + CD(収録内容は通常盤と同じです)※アナログ盤ではございません。
アナログ・レコードLP盤サイズパッケージ(縦30.3cm × 横30.3cm × 厚さ0.3cm)
・「Your Best Friend」 ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~

若是已經進行完38th SINGLE『Strong Heart』FC&Musing盤的申請購買手續的會員朋友、我們之後將會寄給您發行商品就是形式變更後的DVD SINGLE『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~』FC&Musing盤。若是希望取消已申請的購買手續的會員朋友、還請於11月16日(三)之前MAIL到info@mai-k.net 告知、謝謝。
【信件主旨】FC盤キャンセル(FC盤取消購買) 【內文】會員編號/姓名
另外、這回在ONLINE SHOP的販賣中標示的『Strong Heart』FC&Musing盤的銷售金額有誤。FC&Musing盤的正確購買費用是1張1,500日圓。


Hello.This is Mai-K.net.
Thank you for all your support to Mai Kuraki.
倉木麻衣 DVD SINGLE『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~』11/23リリースのお知らせ
Information about the release of Mai Kuraki’s DVD single “Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~” on November 23rd.
11月23日に発売を予定しておりました38th SINGLE『Strong Heart』ですが、DVD SINGLE『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~」としてリリースさせて頂くこととなりました。
今回DVDとしてお届けすることとなりました「Strong Heart」は、10月22日に日本武道館で行われた東日本大震災復興支援チャリティーライブ"Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~”のライブ映像となります。
今回のチャリティーライブには倉木麻衣自身、並々ならぬ信念を持ってライブに挑み、そんな倉木麻衣の熱い思いとオーディエンスとが生み出した熱気あるライブは、最新作「Strong Heart」の持つ世界観をより強く伝えており、急遽ではありますが、映像をメインとした作品としてのリリースを決定致しました。
Mai Kuraki’s 38th single “Strong Heart” was to be released on November 23rd, but instead the release will be a DVD Single “Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~.”  The DVD that will be sent to you as “Strong Heart” will now be live footage of the charity show for the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami victims, “Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~.”  In this charity live show, you can see Mai Kuraki’s true strength in the challenge of such an emotional show, as well as her own powerful emotions born with the audience.  Though we do apologize for the sudden change in plans, the performance showed such “Strong Heart,” the same name as her new single, and sends a strong message and world view that it was decided to release the single as DVD with the show being main, rather than just the single.
And in this live show, there is another message that Mai Kuraki wants to send, and with all the performers and the audience as one, the song “always” is also performed.
Though it may not be much, we hope to help the continuing charity efforts and are happy to be of even just some help to a faster rebuilding of Tohoku.
※ 本作品の売上金の一部を、東日本大震災復興支援金として寄付させて頂きます。
※ Part of the money made from the sales of this DVD will be given as charity to the relief efforts in Tohoku.

『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~』FC&Musing盤
価格:\1,500(tax in) + 送料
仕様:DVD + CD(収録内容は通常盤と同じです)※アナログ盤ではございません。
アナログ・レコードLP盤サイズパッケージ(縦30.3cm × 横30.3cm × 厚さ0.3cm)
・「Your Best Friend」 ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~

既に38th SINGLE『Strong Heart』FC&Musing盤をお申込頂いております会員様へは、仕様変更後のDVD SINGLE『Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~』FC&Musingをお届けいたします。キャンセルをご希望の場合は、11月16日(水)までに info@mai-k.net までご連絡下さい。
【件名】FC盤キャンセル 【本文】会員番号/名前
For all fan club members that have already ordered the FC & Musing version of Mai Kuraki’s 38th single “Strong Heart”, your order will be changed to the FC & Musing version of the DVD single “Strong Heart ~from Mai Kuraki Premium Live One for all, All for one~.”  If you wish to cancel your order, please send an e-mail to info@mai-k.net by November 16th (Wednesday).
この度オンラインショップ内で販売しておりました『Strong Heart』FC&Musing盤の表示・決済代金に誤りがございました。FC&Musing盤の価格は1枚\1,500になります。
During the online shop sales of the FC & Musing version of “Strong Heart” there was mistake in the price listed and the amount of money charged.  The FC & Musing version price is 1500 yen per disc.
For all those fan club members that have already paid via credit card but have not been charged yet, we will fix the problem and charge you the correct amount of 1500 yen.
For all those members that paid between October 24th and October 31st, you have already been charged in October, therefore in the following month of November we will return the money in full that was mistakenly charged, then charge you again for the correct amount.
If there is any problem, please contact us by November 21st.  If we do not hear from you we will charge you for the product and complete your order.
For any charges made please check the credit card statements carefully.
We are very sorry for the many various problems caused to all our fan club members and apologize from the heart.  Though it will cause you some trouble we sincerely apologize and hope for your understanding in the matter.
Best Regards.

